Private Tour by Eirini Vourloumis at the National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST)

The CAA Greece invites you to the National Museum of Contemporary Art, on Thursday October 6th at 6:30 pm for a guided tour by the photographer and Columbia University alumna Eirini Vourloumis ('07 JRN)

The artist has offered to guide us through the exhibition "EIRINI VOURLOUMIS: IN THE SAME SPACE" a photographic dialogue with the painter Andreas Vourloumis, as well as the photography series  "IN WAITING" 2011-2016, part of the exhibition "STATECRAFT (and beyond).
After the guided tour we can all have a drink together either at the Museum Cafe or at a bar nearby. Parking is available at the Syngrou-Fix metro parking next to the Museum and around the neighborhood. 
We can all meet at 6:15 pm at the Museum entrance and buy our tickets together (General admission: 4 euros per person for groups of visitors of 10 or more people)


October 06, 2022 at 6:15pm - 9:15pm


amvrosiou frantzi kai kallirois
Athens, Attica 11743

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