October 03, 2016

Columbia Connects16 Pitch Contest

Social Engagement Award Winners !!! #findColumbiablue


The Pitch

We thought of columbia blue and greek blue sees & skies and tried to combine them. We want the alumni to see that in the blue skies and waters of Greece there is a strong network of columbians ready to help one another and we want them to reach out to us and engage with the club. The winner of this digital contest will be announced on our Columbia Connects Event and they will get 80€ worth of items from the columbia store.


The Implementation - Facebook Contest


"How blue can you Summer get? Take part in the Find Columbia Blue Contest.

Find and share your Summer photos featuring the columbia blue on our facebook page using hashtag #findcolumbiablue, or send it by email [email protected]

Social Engagement


A Google form was created with all the entries for Voting. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1jB-a_vbm0repVwfT7K41-CsGeKdR33CVu6g925YZGlg/edit


We had 70 votes and a Winner and a great Event with engaged alumni











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